Trust is a Superpower. Does Your Team Have It?

Reading Time: 2 mins 20s

A few years ago I found myself working with an Executive Team where the levels of trust were low.

The lack of it was thick in the air.

People hid their mistakes and weaknesses from each other.

No one dared ask for help.

Team members avoided spending time together.

There was very little spontaneity and banter. I noticed how each person managed their words and actions. They wasted precious time and energy on self-protection.

Being guarded was normal for them. Conflicts and discontent were disguised by fake harmony and humour.

Meetings were ineffective, rigid, stuck-up affairs, which everyone disliked, even dreaded.

The organisation craved leadership – but this Executive Team was unable to provide it.

The effects seeped into the business.

Politics and silo’s slowed everything down. The culture was inward-looking. Internal competition was the way to get ahead. Several of the company’s most talented people in key positions left.

This was a real wake-up call for the Chief Executive.

Something had to change.

Stephen R. Covey

Trust is a precious commodity on an Executive Team.

It boils down to the willingness of individuals to be vulnerable.

This is hard for Executives.

It means asking for help. Taking risks in giving feedback. It means admitting mistakes and weaknesses.

Being vulnerable is a special kind of strength. A superpower if you like. It transforms relationships. And it has a huge impact on group norms and team dynamics.

When you work with people who;

  • Offer and accept apologies without hesitation
  • Accept questions and input into their areas of responsibility
  • Tap into each other’s skills and experiences
  • Focus time and creativity on important issues, not politics and sideshows
  • Spend very little time protecting themselves and undermining each other

… life on the team is never the same again.

All the internal noise goes away.

Now, it’s possible to do the real work. To be resourceful and innovative. To create value.

What happened to the Team?

Over time, the Chief Executive came to see that he played a vital role in building trust.

  • At first, it was hard, but he showed courage. He took risks and was vulnerable without guarantees that others would respond.
  • He was authentic. He acknowledged the mistakes he’d made and apologised. He asked for the team’s support. Because he was consistent and sincere, people responded well.
  • He also showed empathy. He put his phone away. He started paying attention to the people around him. He concentrated on serving the needs of other people. Not himself!

The CEO’s actions allowed for new conversations to take place.

It also earned him the right to expect more from others.

This set the scene for change.

Now conversations on the team are different. People speak up. They tackle issues and they make better decisions, faster than before.

In the next level of leaders, there is more collaboration, less silo thinking, and much less politics than before. Critically, their attention has shifted to solving problems, not just talking about them.

What’s the lesson here?

  1. At the top, trust is not a nice to have … it’s a requirement to lead.
  2. Without trust, there is no Executive Team … at least not one with the credibility to lead, inspire and transform.
  3. Trust can be restored … but it takes a determined effort and some risk.
  4. One person willing to take the risk gets the ball rolling.
  5. Two people willing to move forward allows new and exciting things to happen!
    We would love to hear from you.

Do you have the Superpower called Trust in your team? Please comment below.

+ Download our Trust Checklist for Teams by clicking here.

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  1. Manuja 29 July 2015 at 8:44 am - Reply

    I believe that honesty is the best policy. If you can’t work as a team, then you need to work on your own for yourself in your own business. Team work drives performance in an Organization, on the sports field and at home. We can’t avoid it. Critical discussions and conversations need to be out there…it is the only way for mature team development… works!

  2. andre 29 July 2015 at 8:52 am - Reply

    Hi Grant,

    You should tell the CV story

    During the 4 journeys winning the Sasol Global best operations accolade.


  3. Elmare Keyser 29 July 2015 at 9:00 am - Reply

    Without trust, there can be no teamwork. People need to feel safe and comfortable to discuss their areas for growth. Teamwork speed up processes and bring joy to the workplace. A united team and high performing team promotes pride in the work place and leads to success. ,

  4. Athenea Mills 29 July 2015 at 9:26 am - Reply

    I honestly believe that a team cannot function without trust and it is even worse when the Leader is initiating the distrust. It is an essential component of every team and every relationship we ever have. I think a Crucial conversation is an essential intervention if a team is lacking in trust and everyone needs to have the courage and transparency to be forthright with why there is a lack of trust and deal it appropriately!

    • Grant Ashfield 29 July 2015 at 3:19 pm - Reply

      The behaviour of the leader is crucial. If the leader is sowing the distrust the team is in deep trouble. This kind of situation asks for real courage on the part of team members. Courage to not become part of the problem and add to the situation by being political and stirring the pot and then the integrity to speak the truth about what they would like to be different. In great teams team members hold the leader accountable and this means telling the truth even when there is personal risk involved. Thank you for your insight!

  5. Caroline Govender 29 July 2015 at 9:33 am - Reply

    Teamwork enhances cohesiveness between people that are from various backgrounds , culture and beliefs. Teamwork leads to most effective and positive results and adds joy and pride to the workplace.

  6. Byron Ross 29 July 2015 at 10:50 am - Reply

    Great article. Having no trust in the team is probably the worst thing I team has to endure. It makes teams highly ineffective and compromises the vision and goals of the company.

    It creates an unpleasant workplace environment and will eventually lead to lots of potentially good people moving elsewhere.
    Fortunately through having a good leader and/or mediator to rebuild mutual trust, confidence can be regained with each other.
    Thanks for the great article Grant.

    • Grant Ashfield 29 July 2015 at 3:36 pm - Reply

      Thanks Byron. The big risk is that good people will leave. A high price to pay for low trust! The good news is that I have seen many seemingly impossible situations – where there was low trust – turn around.
      It is possible to regain confidence in each other. Self awareness, straight talk, a common purpose and personal humility are all a part of what makes this possible.

  7. Dale Hillary 29 July 2015 at 1:58 pm - Reply

    Such a relevant article and so vital to the success of any team and business…in fact any relationship!
    Many thanks Grant…I have shared this with my network!
    Best regards.

  8. Heather 29 July 2015 at 3:02 pm - Reply

    Great article Grant, thank you for sharing your wealth of experience so eloquently.

  9. Julie 29 July 2015 at 4:14 pm - Reply

    Trust is an essential in any team! Most companies use a portion of their finances, to put in place systems that demand trustworthiness! It seems to be a very delicate balance.

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