Build a Cohesive Executive Team

Our passion at LeadershipWorks is to build healthy Executive Teams.

Do you want to:

  • Eliminate dysfunction, politics, and confusion?
  • Get all your leaders rowing in the same direction?
  • Break down silos and barriers?
  • Unleash the power of teamwork?
  • Ensure everyone at the top is unified and on the same page?

“Grant, so grateful to you and your support in this journey with my team! You are doing such incredible work to build leadership in our country! The team is energised and ready to go, great day yesterday and today, you can feel the energy and momentum.”

Salosh Gounder, VP – Group Real Estate, Massmart Walmart

How do you know if your team is working well together?

Download these 10 questions to reflect on. Each is derived from characteristics of high-performing executive teams we’ve worked with over the past ten years.

What is the process?

The Executive Team Programme kicks off with an initial two day offsite. The focus here is on building cohesion and creating clarity. It then evolves into a 6-12 month Team Journey. This ensures there is follow through, accountability and measurement.

What is the outcome?

People learn to trust one another other, put business interests first, make and keep commitments and practice accountability. The result is that the top team becomes energised and fully aligned.

“Getting the Executive Team to work well together has the single biggest impact on organisational performance over time. If the team at the top is behaving dysfunctionally and is unclear about its direction and priorities the whole organisation suffers.”

Grant Ashfield, Founder of LeadershipWorks

Contact us now to find out how we can work with your Executive Team